Where Did They go??: The Lost Colony of Roanoke
Where Did They go??: The Lost Colony of Roanoke
Welcome To The Oddity Shop, Where The Bizarre is Always on Sale. This week, your curator Zach has the history and theories on the Lost Colony of Roanoke!
As the episode unfolds, we uncover the history of the founding and disappearance of Roanoke Colony. Founded in 1587 on Roanoke Island off the coast of present-day North Carolina, the colony was intended to be England's first permanent settlement in the New World. Led by John White, the colonists were left on the island to establish a foothold while White returned to England for supplies. However, when he returned in 1590, the colony had vanished without a trace. The only clues left behind were the word "CROATOAN" carved into a post and "CRO" etched into a tree, leaving historians and archaeologists with centuries of unanswered questions.
We’ll explore the most popular theories surrounding Roanoke's mysterious disappearance, from assimilation with nearby Indigenous tribes to the possibility of starvation, disease, or conflict with other European settlers. And then, there are the wilder ideas: were the colonists abducted by aliens, taken by witches, or possibly eaten?!
Join us as we sift through historical records, folklore, and modern research to piece together what may have happened to the Roanoke colonists and why their story still captures our imaginations today.

Cryptid Mayhem: Our Favorite Lessor Monsters
Cryptid Mayhem: Our Favorite Lessor Monsters
Welcome To The Oddity Shop, Where The Bizarre is Always on Sale. This week, your curator Zach is talking about his favorite Lessor Cryptids
What happens when a magical wand-wielding frogman, a melancholic squonk, and a thrilling Giwoggle, and a killer worm all collide in a single podcast episode? Our newest episode brings together quirky tales and cryptid adventures.
We deep dive into the lore and history of the Loveland Frogman as they cast sparks at passerby's, the Squonk who is just the saddest boy ever, The Witchy Summon of the Giwoggle sent to terrorize farmers, and the Mongolian Death Worm legend that apparently kills throughout the desert.

Breaking Down The Magic: Which Witch Are You?
Breaking Down The Magic: Which Witch Are You?
Welcome To The Oddity Shop, Where The Bizarre is Always on Sale. This week, your curator Kara, The Green Witch, is talking all things magical, mystical, and Witchy!
Get ready to uncover the many faces of modern witchcraft! We're diving into everything from the mid-20th century Wiccan movement to the eclectic practices of today’s witches. Whether you're a nature-connected Green Witch, a Kitchen Witch stirring up magic in the cooking pot, or fascinated by crystal energies and celestial alignments, we've got you covered. We’ll also share how everyday rituals—like your skincare routine or that special herbal tea blend—can have a touch of magic.
Think you might have a bit of witch in you? We outline clear signs that you might possess mystical qualities, such as having an uncanny intuition or a special bond with animals. Plus, we'll guide you through a two-part plant manifestation spell to bring your dreams to life, harnessing the energy of the new and full moons. And don't forget, we’re gearing up for the Para-con event with even more magical stories and adventures to come. So, share the love and keep the magic alive in our Oddity Shop community!