Peculiar Case of Elisa Lam: Lost Within the Cecil Hotel

Welcome to The Oddity Shop, Where the Bizarre is Always on Sale!  This week in the shop, Zach has the strange story of Elisa Lam and her time at the Cecil Hotel

The Cecil Hotel's story is as layered as the most intricate of novels, with chapters of grandeur, despair, and notoriety. We peel back these layers to reveal its transformation from a luxury establishment to a refuge shadowed by crime, introducing listeners to figures like Richard Ramirez who walked its halls. The hotel serves as a darkly fascinating backdrop to the perplexing disappearance of Elisa Lam, a tale punctuated by bizarre elevator footage and a blog that kept updating posthumously. Join us as we navigate through the eerie details and share our theories on this unsolved mystery that continues to captivate and haunt.

As we bid adieu under the golden Californian sun, we encourage you to engage with the stories we've shared by dropping that sunny emoji and keeping the conversation burning bright. So, until our paths cross again in the Oddity Shop, where the strange is standard, and every goodbye is just a prelude to another hello, keep it spooky and "creep it real.

NAMI - National Alliance on Mental Illness
In this episode, we take a heartfelt moment to discuss the significance of mental health and our commitment to supporting NAMI, honoring the memory of a friend we've lost.

If you would like to donate, please use the below link. We at the oddity shop, and our Friend's family are forever grateful for any contribution.

Reference Shout Outs: 

Each Week at the Oddity Shop, Your Curators Kara and Zach will bring you stories from Cryptids to Conspiracies, Cults to Curiosities, Myths to Mysteries, and so much more!

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Oddball Adventures: Our Overnight Investigation at Eloise Asylum


Street Light Interference: Not the SLIders You'd Eat!