Street Light Interference: Not the SLIders You'd Eat!

Welcome to The Oddity Shop, Where the Bizarre is Always on Sale!  This week in the shop, Kara is taking us sliding through some streetlight weirdness!

 We're taking you to the edge of reason with a deep dive into the Streetlight Interference Phenomenon (SLI). Our latest chat ventures into the realm of those electrifying individuals who leave a trail of flickering lights and haywire gadgets in their wake. Ever heard of Angelique Cotton, the 14-year-old 'electric person'? We explore her life and others who wield a mysterious electric touch that leaves scientists scratching their heads. 

Prepare to be zapped by stories of lightbulbs and vacuum cleaners gone rogue and chuckle along with us as we playfully ponder whether being a 'slider'—someone whose mere presence sends electronics into chaos—is a unique superpower or just a peculiar quirk.

Rounding out this electric escapade, we beckon you to share your own psychic shenanigans. From paranormal postcards to eerie email attachments, your hair-raising encounters are the lifeblood of the Oddity Shop. So, don't be shy; send us your photos, videos, and stories that defy explanation. Who knows, your otherworldly experiences may just be the highlight of our next ghostly gathering.

Reference Shout Outs: 

Each Week at the Oddity Shop, Your Curators Kara and Zach will bring you stories from Cryptids to Conspiracies, Cults to Curiosities, Myths to Mysteries, and so much more!

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